Climbing and Skiing 2013

Пишет adventureguide, 16.09.2012 16:12

Climbing and Skiing 2013 (Альпинизм)
We welcome you to wonderful & extremely large North Mountains of Gilgit Baltistan.
It will be our great pleasure and honor to serve you during visit in Himalaya and Karakorum .
Dear we organize a variety of adventure trips and activities including trekking, Mountaineering, Rock climbing expeditions and Skiing.
We assure you that we will provide the best quality of service at the most reasonable costs. You can get more in depth to understand the local people and rituals encounters. We assure you that we will provide the best quality of service at the most reasonable costs. There is commitment for quality service,
Please notify about your plans. Should you need further information and assistance?
Would you be interested to know our price and services details?
Depending on the country that you propose to visit there are different services available to transport expeditions to and from their base camps.


Переводчик на английский, что называется, "МГИМО финишед". Текст жутко безграмотный.

Автор этого текста не поймет вас.... он по-русски не говорит...

Зато гарантированы поздравления с праздниками. Пакистанцы - они радушные. Даже если пишут безграмотно и живут в деревне, куда только джипы ходят (с трудом).

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