Вопрос медикам-высотникам.
Как изменяется показание артериального давления человека с набором высоты?
Вот скажем,лично для меня,внизу (500м.),нормальное верхнее (систологическое) давление-105. Изменится ли эта цифра сразу по прибытии в альплагерь Безенги (2200м.) или Уллу Тау (2400м.) и через 2...3 дня,после акклиматизации. Понимаю,что тут всё чисто индивидуально,но всё же.
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Acute hypoxia causes essentially no change in the
mean systemic arterial blood pressure in humans,
at least up to altitudes of 4600 m (Kontos
et al
. 1967,
Vogel and Harris 1967). This is in contrast to the
dog, in which acute hypoxia results in a rise of mean
arterial pressure (Kontos
et al
. 1967). However, when
lowlanders move to high altitude there is frequently
an increase in blood pressure for the first few weeks.
In one study of 32 subjects who moved to an altitude
Systemic blood pressure 93
Figure 7.8
Electrocardiogram showing premature
ventricular contractions occurring after exercise at 5800 m.
(From Milledge 1963.)
between 3500 and 4000 m, 31 of them had an
increase in resting blood pressure, and this persisted
for some 3 weeks at altitude but returned to normal
after descent (Kamat and Banerji 1972). In another
study of four sea level residents who moved to an
altitude of 4350 m, the mean arterial blood pressure
rose from about 100 to about 128 mmHg after
arrival and this persisted for 10 days (Vogel
et al
1974). In a further report there was a rise in sys-
temic blood pressure in 11 subjects who ascended to
4300 m and it was shown that propanalol given to
some of the subjects reduced the rise in pressure sug-
gesting that increased sympathetic activity was a
causative factor (Wolfel
et al
. 1994). Another study
reported only in an abstract looked at a large number
of high school students living at altitudes of about
1200, 1800 and over 2000 m. The mean systolic pres-
sure was slightly elevated at the highest altitude com-
pared with the lowest (Appleton 1967).
In contrast to these increases in systemic blood
pressure shortly after moving to high altitude, people
who reside there for several years apparently have a
decrease in both systolic and diastolic pressure
et al
. 1969, Hultgren 1970). These
studies included 100 lowlanders who moved to alti-
tudes of about 3800 to 4300 m for between 2 and 15
years. There is also a report that a stay of 1 year at an
altitude of 4500 m resulted in a decrease of systemic
systolic and diastolic pressures (Rotta
et al
. 1956).
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Но по моим наблюдениям, проблемы обычно у гипертоников, к которым топикстартер явно не относится. =)))
p.s. Где-то читал, что без акклиматизации на высоте 2000 проблемы начинаются только у совсем сердечников. Если что, в самолётах буквально за 20 минут взлета давление сбрасывают до идентичного высотам 1500..2800. Возможно бывает и больше, но я альтиметром ловил только такие цифры.